MS Angle2

MS Channel G.D. METSTEEL PVT.LTD. has over 5 decades of experience in steel making. We manufacture a wide range of products in multiple dimensions which have various applications. These products are used by various industries for their structural steel requirements, also our products have agricultural applications. G.D. METSTEEL offers MS Channels, Mild Steel Channels in various sizes and lengths in accordance to ISI standards. All the materials are superior in quality. Easy to weld and rust free materials are provided. Considering all the features these angles meet the needs of the structural requirements of various industries and agricultural equipment’s. Product Range
(L) 70×351.278
(L) 75×401.700
(M) 75×401.944
(H) 75×402.167
(L) 90×452.356
(M) 100×502.667
(H) 100×502.833
(H) 125×654.000
(H) 150×755.111
(H) 200×756.777
For any requirements or enquires please contact us. Contact us

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